I found a great website, http://www.cookiesbydesign.com/, which makes and sells cookie bouquets. I was looking around and thought, I could do that. There was one which had owls on it and was one of the cutest things I'd seen so I used it as my inspiration. Of course to make owl cookies you kind of need an owl shaped cookie cutter and living in Lethbridge, those are very hard to find. Thankfully I have an amazing Aunt who lives in Portland with great supply stores.
Once the cookie cutter arrived I was ready. I made the cookie dough and set to work trying to get the perfect thickness so that the little ears of my owls wouldn't burn.
Next was icing the little owls. I decided to try 'flooding', which is technique using a very loose royal icing and it 'floods' the cookie giving it a nice smooth finish. Add a couple of mini chocolate chips and then pipe on a cute little orange beak and voila! Owl cookies! Throw those into a cute basket (that even had owls on it), put in a couple cake pops (look for more info on those to come in a later post), a little tissue paper to cover the sticks, and a cute sign saying, 'Happy Birthday... Hope it's a HOOT!', and then you're done! I have to say, I find it rather adorable.