I made a boob cake. That's right. Boobs. Or breasts if you feel the need to be more formal about it. Bra included to keep it modest. My only complaint is that I didn't make the icing dark enough, so the boobs are very pasty and the same color as the fondant used for the bra, which was a little sad. But then again, maybe I was going for realism in the color aspect. (Anyone reading this feeling incredibly uncomfortable yet?) Oh well. They still look fabulous. Hee hee. Plus the straps aren't the greatest thing ever, but they were a last minute addition. Can I just say that having the opportunity to make a cake that looked like this was probably one of the highlights of my cake decorating career to date. SO FUNNY! I'd totally make this again. Just think of the creativity allowed when designing the bras. Maybe I've found a new past-time. Bra design.