Isn't that what everyone screams on their birthday? Or is it just me? : )
I was asked to make a birthday cake for a friends little sister to help celebrate her 15th birthday. Coming up with an idea wasn't the easiest thing. So I thought, who doesn't like presents? Incorporate her favorite color purple and this cake could be very cute! My original idea was to cover the entire cake in fondant and use an imprint mat that I have that says 'happy birthday' all over it. After getting the fondant on the cake however, I was not happy. Fondant decided to hate me while making this cake. So, I ripped it all off and tried a new technique: Faux Fondant.
All in all, despite the original set backs I had when I started this cake, I am very happy with how it turned out. I learned new techniques and feel I did the cake justice. Let's just hope that the 15 year old likes it!