I vote TREATS!
So Halloween has come and gone, but I still had to share my fun baking adventures!
So Halloween has come and gone, but I still had to share my fun baking adventures!
These cute little cookies were so easy! Mainly because I didn't have to bake the cookie! To make these little guys, all you need are Nilla cookies, a can of pre-made icing, and edible
Of course I couldn't just stop with one Halloween themed treat. So of course I turned to bakerella.com for some more inspiration. And I definitely found it! First off, Cheesecake Pops!
These are very very tasty! I love them. Perfect bite sized cheesecake.
So now that I had Cheesecake Pops, I moved on to Bakerellas Cake Pops. She had all sorts of cute Halloween ones, but I decided to start simple. I went with ghosts and pumpkins. First step: Bake a cake. Second step: Let it cool. Third step: Crumble it. Fourth Step: Add a container of pre-made cream cheese icing. Fifth Step: Make into little balls.
Then follow the same steps as with the cheesecake pops.
For the ghosts however, you do have to change the shape slightly from balls to more of a cone shape. I covered them in white chocolate then using mini chocolate chips and regular chocolate chips, I pushed them into the cake pops, pointy side in. CUTE!
For the pumpkins, I used sour green apple sticks that I cut to make the cute little stems. ADORABLE! Oh, and the flavor of the pumpkins and ghosts was devils food. Yum. Chocolate!
Then of course, it's all about the presentation. Individually wrapped with a cute little black or orange ribbon tied on. Put into the cutest pumpkin shaped baskets I've ever seen. I found them at Michaels, and I also happened to find them on sale for 50% off. So that in itself helped to up the cuteness factor. Now they are ready to be enjoyed!
I have to say, I was quite impressed with the tastiness and cute factor.
LOVE it! You're so talented!!!! AND incase anyone was wondering, these creations weren't only adorable, they were delicious too!!!!