Monday, February 14, 2011


So, I'm not the biggest fan of Valentines Day. Maybe it's because I've never had a 'Valentine'. Or maybe it's because it's too close to my birthday and I want all the focus to be on me! (just kidding) But really, maybe it's because I received far too many valentines themed birthday gifts. (You can only love red and pink heart shaped things for so long) But despite all this, I do enjoy making treats. Not to celebrate Valentines Day, but S.A.D. That's right Happy S.A.D everyone! Hopefully you understand that this clever acronym is for Singles Awareness Day.

Making these treats was fun, and educational. That's right educational. Did you know that there are things called Whoopie Pies? Now, to look at them you think, aren't those just the homemade oreos you made before with a red velvet cake mix rather than devils food? That's what I would think, but apparently Whoopie Pies are different. They have less butter and sugar than the homemade oreos. Huh. I found this particular recipe here. The only thing I changed was the size of drops I put on the cookie sheet. I tried doing the 2 Tbsps, only to have the biggest cookies I've ever seen, so I made them with 2 tsps. which still made huge cookies. I also had to reduce the cook time to 6 minutes. But they did end up turning out cute. And I have to say, I was a little worried about the icing, but something about the marshmallow just made it all work, and it was delicious! Add some sprinkles to the edges, and voila!

And of course, I had to make them all cute and packaged.... I am my mothers' daughter and my aunts' niece afterall...... (see Ruthanne, I used Fru! Just for you!)

Happy Singles Awareness Day Everyone!

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